Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics

Gideon Vos

PhD: University of Groningen, 2019
2020-  Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences; Postdoc 
Phone: +420 266 052 048
Address: Office 210
Na Slovance 1999/2
182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic

Perhaps the most groundbreaking realization to come out of theoretical physics in the last decades covers the reason why gravity is so strange and mysterious. It is because it signifies a redundancy of our view of the universe. Indeed, it seems that gravity as we observe around us is a remnant of the fact that all the information content of our universe could be projected onto the very edge of the universe without information loss, very much like a hologram. Once projected, the future of this information is dynamically controlled by a peculiar class of quantum systems.